Amazing and Rare Shiny Skeletal Galena with Quartz Crystal, Raw Crystal, Natural Mineral, Healing Crystal, Mineral Specimen B3562 Size: 9 X 7 cm Weight: 379 gram Why you should buy...
Amazing Galena Crystal with Pyrite and Sphalerite, Crystal, Mineral, Natural Crystal B3634 Size: 6.5 X 5.5 cm Weight: 185 gram Click Here To View More Quartz with Calcite Crystals
Amazing Galena with Sphalerite, Raw Crystal, Natural Mineral, Healing Crystal, Spirituality Crystal, Mineral Specimen B3189 Size: 6 x 5.5 cm Weight: 136 gram Why you should buy from our store:...
Amazing Shiny Galena on Quartz, Raw Crystal, Natural Mineral, Spirituality Crystal, Mineral Specimen B2565 Size: 8 x 3.5 cm Weight: 44 gram Why you should buy from our store: -...
Amazing Skeletal Galena with Sphalerite and Quartz, Raw Crystal, Natural Mineral, Healing Crystal, Mineral Specimen B3586 Size: 5 x 4.8 cm Weight: 48 g Why you should buy from our...
Rare Two Generation Calcite Crystals with Galena from Bulgaria 6764 Size: 9.8 X 6 cm Weight: 177 gram Click Here To View More Calcite Crystals§ion_id=17034162 Why you should buy...
Galena with Clear Quartz and Calcite, Raw Crystal, Natural Mineral, Spirituality Crystal, Mineral Specimen B2081 Size: 5.5 x 4 cm Weight: 97 grams *Directly from the mines! Why you should...
Museum Big Quartz with Galena and Gem Sphalerite, Raw Crystal, Natural Mineral, Healing Crystal, Mineral Specimen B5315 Size: 18.5 x 13 cm Weight: 2495 g Why you should buy from...
Amazing Quartz with Pyrite, Crystal, Mineral, Natural Crystal, Stone, Stones, Gem, Gemstone N9094 Size: 5 x 3.5 cm Weight: 77 grams Why you should buy from our store: - 5...
Quartz with Pyrite and Galena, Quartz Crystal, Raw Crystal, Natural Mineral, Crystal Cluster B1736 Size: 12.5 x 9.5 cm Weight: 402 grams *Directly from the mines! Why you should buy...
Quartz with Pyrite and Galena, Raw Crystal, Natural Mineral, Spirituality Crystal, Mineral Specimen B1836 Size: 8.5 x 5.5 cm Weight: 197 grams *Directly from the mines! Why you should buy...
Quartz with Skeletal Galena, Raw Crystal, Natural Mineral, Spirituality Crystal, Mineral Specimen B1595 Size: 10.5 x 5 cm Weight: 231 gram Why you should buy from our store: - 5...