Amazing Sphalerite with Pyrite and Clear Quartz, Mineral, Natural Crystals, Quartz Crystal, Pyrite Crystal B2789 Size: 6 X 5 cm Weight: 72 gram Why you should buy from our store:...
Amazing Sphalerite with Pyrite and Quartz, Raw Crystal, Natural Mineral, Healing Crystal, Mineral Specimen B4054 Size: 4.5 x 4 cm Weight: 200 gram Why you should buy from our store:...
Amazing Sphalerite with Quartz and Chalcopyrite, Raw Crystal, Natural Mineral, Healing Crystal, Mineral Specimen B3864 Size: 14 x 9.5 cm Weight: 1167 gram Why you should buy from our store:...
Amazing Sphalerite with Quartz, Raw Crystal, Natural Mineral, Healing Crystal, Spirituality Crystal, Mineral Specimen B3922 Size: 6 X 5 cm Weight: 94 gram Amazing Color! Why you should buy from...
Amazing Sphalerite with Skeletal Galena, Raw Crystal, Natural Mineral, Healing Crystal, Spirituality Crystal, Mineral Specimen B2523 TOP SPECIMEN ONLY IN OUR STORE Size: 10 X 7 cm Weight: 484 gram...
Amazing Sphalerite with Skeletal Galena , Raw Crystal, Natural Mineral, Healing Crystal, Mineral Specimen B3388 TOP SPECIMEN ONLY IN OUR STORE Size: 9.5 X 5.5 cm Weight: 232 gram Why...
Amazing Sphalerite with Skeletal Galena and Chalcopyrite, Raw Crystal, Natural Mineral, Healing Crystal, Spirituality Crystal, Mineral Specimen B2310 TOP SPECIMEN ONLY IN OUR STORE Size: 10 x 9.5 cm Weight:...
Amazing Two Generation Calcite Crystals with Pyrite, Raw Crystal, Natural Mineral, Healing Crystal, Mineral Specimen B3975 Size: 12.5 X 8.5 cm Weight: 432 gram Why you should buy from our...
Baryte with Pyrite, Baryte Crystals, Natural Minerals, Clear Baryte, Fool's Gold B1420 Size: 13 x 7.5 cm Weight: 370 grams Why you should buy from our store: - 5 STAR...
Baryte with Pyrite, Raw Crystal, Natural Mineral, Spirituality Crystal, Mineral Specimen B1577 Size: 6 x 4 cm Weight: 57 grams Why you should buy from our store: - 5 STAR...
Baryte with Sphalerite, Raw Crystal, Natural Mineral, Spirituality Crystal, Mineral Specimen B1530 Size: 11.5 x 7 cm Weight: 540 grams Why you should buy from our store: - 5 STAR...
Skeletal Galena with Pyrite, Raw Crystal, Mineral, Natural Crystal, Crystal Cluster, Fool's Gold B928 Size: 13 x 9 cm Weight: 993 gram Why you should buy from our store: -...