Calcite with Chlorite Crystallization, Natural Crystal, Raw Mineral, Crystal Cluster B1267 Size: 7 x 5.5 cm Weight: 68 g Why you should buy from our store: - 5 STAR POSITIVE...
Clear Quartz with Calcite and Sphalerite, Raw Crystal, Natural Mineral, Healing Crystal, Spirituality Crystal, Mineral Specimen B2407 Size: 7 x 6.5 cm Weight: 112 gram Why you should buy from...
Quartz with Chalcopyrite and Calcite, Natural Crystal, Raw Mineral, Crystal Cluster, Milky Quartz B678 Size: 10.5 x 8 cm Weight: 419 g Why you should buy from our store: -...
Galena with Calcite and Chalcopyrite, Natural Crystal, Raw Mineral, Crystal Cluster, Milky Quartz B503 Size:8 x 5.5 cm Weight: 350 g Why you should buy from our store: - 5...
Quartz covered with Calcite and Chalcopyrite, Raw Crystal, Natural Mineral, Spirituality Crystal, Mineral Specimen B1806 Size: 13 x 5 cm Weight: 408 g Why you should buy from our store:...
Quartz with Calcite and Chalcopyrite, Natural Crystal, Raw Mineral, Crystal Cluster, Milky Quartz B651 Size: 8.3 x 5 cm Weight: 93 g Why you should buy from our store: -...
Quartz with Chalcopyrite and Calcite, Natural Crystal, Raw Mineral, Crystal Cluster, Milky Quartz B676 Size: 6 x 4.5 cm Weight: 38 g Why you should buy from our store: -...
Quartz with Chalcopyrite and Calcite, Natural Crystal, Raw Mineral, Crystal Cluster, Milky Quartz B723 Size: 8 x 4 cm Weight: 67 g Why you should buy from our store: -...
Quartz with Chalcopyrite and Calcite, Natural Crystal, Raw Mineral, Crystal Cluster, Milky Quartz B749 Size: 13 x 11 cm Weight: 470 g Why you should buy from our store: -...
Rare Calcite Crystal, Raw Crystal, Natural Mineral, Spirituality Crystal, Mineral Specimen B2006 Size: 6.5 x 3 cm Weight: 42 g Why you should buy from our store: - 5 STAR...
Rare Calcite Crystal, Raw Crystal, Natural Mineral, Spirituality Crystal, Mineral Specimen B2007 Size: 6 x 4.5 cm Weight: 27 g Why you should buy from our store: - 5 STAR...
Rare Calcite Crystallization with Chalcopyrite and Quartz, Natural Crystal, Raw Mineral, Crystal Cluster, Milky Quartz B1495 Size: 6.5 x 6 cm Weight: 64 g Why you should buy from our...